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This crate exposes the Value type and related subtypes, which are used as the runtime representations of SCALE encoded data (much like serde_json::Value is a runtime representation of JSON data).

Use the crate::scale module to encode and decode Values to SCALE bytes. In most cases, you’ll use this module in conjunction with node metadata so that you have access to a type registry and know which type you’ll want to try and encode or decode your Value into.

With the serde feature enabled, you can also use the crate::serde module to convert rust types to and from Values, or serialize/deserialize them to/from other formats like JSON.


Encoding and decoding SCALE bytes into a crate::Value.
Serializing and deserializing a crate::Value into/from other types via serde.
Converting a crate::Value to or from strings.


This represents a sequence of boolean values, packed into bits.
A struct representing a location to access in a Value.
Value holds a representation of some value that has been decoded, as well as some arbitrary context.
This represents the value of a specific variant from an enum, and contains the name of the variant, and the named/unnamed values associated with it.


A named or unnamed struct-like, array-like or tuple-like set of values. This is used to represent a range of composite values on their own, or as values for a specific Variant.
A “primitive” value (this includes strings).
The underlying shape of a given value.


This trait allows indexing into Values (and options of Values) using the At::at() function. It’s a little like Rust’s std::ops::Index trait, but adapted so that we can return and work with optionals.